Sleep in the day, The Secret of a Happy Life

Sleep in the day, The Secret of a Happy Life

Sleep in the day, The Secret of a Happy Life - The secret of a happy life turned out to be simple. Napping is less than 30 minutes proved to increase our happiness.

Researchers find new words to describe the feeling of satisfaction after a short nap, "nappiness".

Prof. Richard Wiseman of the University of Hertfordshire said: "Previous research proves that a nap under 30 minutes makes us more focused, productive and creative. Our research found that we can be happier with a short nap."

But the study found that those who napped longer less happy than those who did not nap at all.

More than 1,000 people took part of the study carried out for the Edinburgh International Science Festival. Among the participants, 66 percent of the perpetrator's short nap (less than half an hour sleep) reported feelings of happiness compared with 56 percent of the perpetrators a long nap and 60 percent who never nap.

Performers short naps have an average happiness score of 3.67 on a scale of 5 points. While that is not the perpetrator of a nap is on a scale of 3.52 and a long nap perpetrators scale of 3.44.

Research also proves that 43 percent of participants aged 18-30 years old to sleep during the day compared to only 30 percent of those aged over 50 years.

Only 11 percent said they were allowed to nap at work. In fact, research shows many short naps improve performance. "Employees need to be aware of the benefits of napping in the office," he said.

Nap between 20 to 30 minutes mentioned increase creativity, focus, and performance.

One study conducted at the space agency NASA on sleepy military pilots find nap 26 minutes when the co-pilot took the controls increase alertness by 54 percent.

On the other hand, long naps and often associated with an 82 percent increased the risk of heart disease.

Former British Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher claimed often sleep a few hours a night. But they regularly sleep during the day.
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